Saturday, July 9, 2011

Crime and the Subconscious

Rulers like Laws, but Laws have the ability to create the very crimes they intend to thwart by putting them into the collective unconscious as Words that create reality. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. Laws are concurrent with the crimes they prohibit. So both Ideas, the crime and the prohibition, are in the collective unconscious to create reality by the Word, some to commit and some to inhibit.

All Words, thoughts, and emotions by sentient beings are in the collective unconscious accessible by the body. Deep breathing accesses the subconscious to make them conscious and so deactivate their subliminal influence.

Deep breathing by prison inmates would access those Words and deactivate them. A deep breathing puberty ritual might prevent crime, too.

The Patriot Act is a conspiracy - "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful", drafted in secret before 9/11, therefore proof that conspiracies exist in politics.

1 comment:

Fungus the Photo! said...

Much crime is also caused by lack of vitamins. Drug use also depletes vitamins. Breathing can certainly assist in consciousness development.


But it is not sufficient. Bad diet and TV are the main means of perpetuating control, not laws.

Laws are merely to steal from the slaves.