Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three Key Points to the Subconscious

The subconscious can cause physical and mental illnesses, negative behavior, and negative life circumstances.

First, the subconscious is full of the Words, thoughts, and emotions of yourself and all other sentient beings. Words, thoughts, and emotions are attracted to the subconscious of people who are interested in the topic or are the target of such, like laws are directed at the masses, or are the subject of the Words, thoughts, and emotions, like with rumors and gossip.

Once consciously put into EXACT Words through analytical identification like an explication de texte method considering the subconscious as a book of human history, or catharsis psychotherapy, or deep breathing to bring suppressed Words, thoughts, and emotions to the conscious mind, AND speaking the EXACT Words, the negative Words, thoughts, and emotions lose their subliminal influence. Identify the thinker and the thought.

Second, affirmations may not work until the original negative Words, thoughts, and emotions of self or others are cleared by making them conscious because the original negative patterns are still in the subconscious creating reality.

Third, political and religious conspiracies exist (ex. the Patriot Act drafted before 9/11, total electronic surveillance with the technology secretly developed, wars, and police state training are political conspiracies; and missionaries, killing non-believers, destroying Goddess worship, and encouraging and covering up pedophilia are religious conspiracies) and may cause mental illness in people with a savior mission. They certainly cause negative life circumstances for the masses.

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